Weather satellite images recorded at Ferndown, Dorset, UK.

Latitude: 50.793, Longitude: -1.904

Software: WXtoImg v2.11.2 beta, running under Windows 7 on a dedicated PC in the loft

Receiver: R2ZX with an Uputronics 137.5Mhz Filter/Preamp fitted to aerial

Aerial: DIY Quadrifilar Helix mounted in loft (click on image opposite)

Latest image: NOAA 18 on 31 Aug 2024 22:34. Oldest image: NOAA 15 on 30 Aug 2024 20:08

Next satellite due: NOAA 15 southbound 58° W at 01 Sep 2024 09:30 (when web page was last updated)

Click on any image below for a full sized image. Anaglyph (3D) images must be viewed with red/blue 3D glasses.
Times are shown in GMT Daylight Time.
About the Enhancements
Past Years' Saved Images
(c) 2010-2024 Neville Roberts BSc CEng CPhys FIET MInstP

Composite MCIR
Composite MCIR
31 Aug 2024 22:34

Composite HVCT-precip
Composite HVCT-precip
31 Aug 2024 22:34

Composite therm
Composite therm
31 Aug 2024 22:34

31 Aug 2024 22:34

NOAA 18 HVCT-precip
NOAA 18 HVCT-precip
31 Aug 2024 22:34

NOAA 18 MCIR-anaglyph
NOAA 18 MCIR-anaglyph
31 Aug 2024 22:34

Next Scheduled Satellite Passes over Ferndown, Dorset, UK.

Start of Pass End of Processing Direction Maximum Elevation
Degrees (East or West)
UTC Local Time* UTC Local Time*
NOAA 15 01 Sep 08:30 01 Sep 09:30 01 Sep 08:47 01 Sep 09:47 137.62
NOAA 19 01 Sep 10:35 01 Sep 11:35 01 Sep 10:53 01 Sep 11:53 137.10
NOAA 18 01 Sep 11:29 01 Sep 12:29 01 Sep 11:47 01 Sep 12:47 137.9125
NOAA 15 01 Sep 18:15 01 Sep 19:15 01 Sep 18:32 01 Sep 19:32 137.62
NOAA 19 01 Sep 20:25 01 Sep 21:25 01 Sep 20:43 01 Sep 21:43 137.10
NOAA 18 01 Sep 21:20 01 Sep 22:20 01 Sep 21:37 01 Sep 22:37 137.9125
NOAA 18 01 Sep 23:01 02 Sep 00:01 01 Sep 23:18 02 Sep 00:18 137.9125
NOAA 15 02 Sep 08:04 02 Sep 09:04 02 Sep 08:22 02 Sep 09:22 137.62

* local time is GMT Daylight Time.

About the Enhancements


HVCT false colour creates a false coloured image using the HVC colour model by combining a sensor 1 or 2 (visible/near infrared)
image with a sensor 4 image (thermal infrared). High cold cloud tops are coloured to give an approximate indication of the probability
and intensity of precipitation.


Map Coloured IR uses sensor 4 (thermal infrared) to create a false coloured image to colour the sea blue and land green.
High clouds are white and lower clouds are grey.


Map Coloured IR 3D image is the same as MCIR but in 3D showing the clouds at different heights above the surface.


Multispectral Analysis combines a sensor 1 or 2 (visible/near infrared) image with a sensor 4 (thermal infrared) image on daytime
passes and determines which regions are most likely to be cloud, land or sea based on an analysis of the two images.
It produces a vivid, false-coloured image as a result.


Pristine images are those received by my system from the satellite without any enhancements, except some normalisation to produce
images which best represent the original data. The earth appears "upside down" on Northbound passes. The two images are the two
channels sent by the satellite with channel A (left) switching between sensor 1 (visible) or 2 (near-IR) during the day and
sensor 3 (mid-IR) at night together with channel B (right) showing sensor 4 (thermal-IR) at all times during normal operation.


Thermal creates a false coloured image using the temperatures from a sensor 4 (thermal infrared) image. Covers the full range
of temperatures from very cold cloud tops to hot deserts.